March 31, 2020
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Welcome to the newsletter I forgot I had...
Last week I started posting bread recipes as well as a description of how you can grow sourdough starter from scratch.
I started posting it on my Editor's Cut site and linked to it from my Twitter and Facebook accounts.
"Hmmm," I said to the dog sleeping across the room, "I should let people know about this in my newsletter."
So I logged into my newsletter platform provider only to find that it had been so long since I'd sent out an email that they had deleted my account along with the list of people who had subscribed.
I understood completely.
And - I thought...
And, it was exactly like my advice for sourdough.
There are many people who get a sourdough starter from somewhere or they create their own and they feed it for a while and it's really healthy and then for some reason or another, they stop.
They put the sourdough starter in a jar in the refrigerator and they forget about it.
By the time they go back to it, it looks (and smells) like a science project.
They feel bad. This was the official San Francisco starter that they bought on that wonderful trip after drinking Irish Coffee at the Buena Vista.
It doesn't matter.
It's not food any more. Throw it away. Start over.
And so that's what I'm doing with this newsletter.
Hopefully I'll feed it more regularly.
At least that's my intent.
Link to the Podcast episode from March 31, 2023.

This week's bake included pita bread.
Sourdough Starter links
Here are some links to the sourdough starter post and some other recipes.
Starting the starter - Our bake-along begins with a recipe for creating your own sourdough starter
Pancakes - Our sourdough starter has the consistency of pancakes so we pause to make a batch of pancake batter, cook it, and eat it.
Pita - We make our first recipe that requires yeast and it comes out wonderfully. Not all of them pillowed up like the one pictured above but they all tasted great.
While you're there you can use the back and forward links to other posts on feeding your starter.
Other people's stuff
Paul Hudson announced that "Hacking with Swift Live", his July conference in Bath, will now be an online conference with four days of workshops. This was a great conference last year in person and I'm sure Paul will work hard to ensure it is a great online experience as well. Check out Hacking with Swift Live Online.