Saying Thank you
May 5, 2020
Why it's important to remember to say "Thank You"
We begin with a petty story
I was walking Annabelle the other day and a couple of neighbors were walking their dog.
She stopped me and asked if I had any sourdough starter I could spare. Her son has been baking lately.
"Sure," I said.
"How long would it take you to get some together?"
"Minutes," I told her. I asked her to email me to remind me or I was likely to forget.
She asked how to feed the starter and I told her.
I also mentioned I've been writing about bread baking with information about the starter and a bunch of recipes on my Editors Cut blog. This week I even posted two no-knead recipes with a third one coming tomorrow. (Wet no- knead and Dry no-knead
I got home and surprisingly remembered the request. I poured some starter into a container, covered it, put it in a bag on my front porch and emailed my neighbor that her son could come pick up his starter.
He must have come and gone because it was gone in ten minutes.
About an hour later I got an email from the parent asking for instructions on how to feed the sourdough.
No thank you in the note. Just another question.
I know it's petty - but I was really put out by that.
It's for them
In times like these, it's important to say thank you.
You say "thank you" for two completely different reasons and they are both more than just good manners.
The first reason is, in my opinion, the lesser of the two.
Someone has done something for you. They should be told how much you appreciate what they've done.
That's just an acknowledgement. (Ok, that part is also just good manners.)
It's for you.
When you say thank you - a real thank you that you pause and feel before you say - you realize how many people help you through your day.
Thank you reminds you that you aren't doing it all by yourself.
That's why.
We live in a world where too many people think they did it all themself.
Not saying "thank you" leads to miserable people who see others as in their way and sponging off of what they think they did themselves.
"Thank you" is a moment we pause to remember otherwise.
Link to the Podcast episode from May 5, 2023.

Jaimee has been running the coolest business for a while. People can download templates and draw the dress, t-shirt, ... they'd like to wear.
She gives a great conference keynote where she talks about her daughter delighted that she "is wearing her imagination".
And then the pandemic hit and probably everybody she knows contacted her to say "you guys should do masks."
She thanked them - 'cause she was raised right - but it's not like she hadn't thought of it already.
Anyway, you can now order face covers from Picture This.
Also, through May 15, 2020 you can get a 15% discount on any item from Picture This by using the code MOM15.
Arrays chapter added to FP Kickstart
The Functional Programming Kickstart has been updated with Chapter 4 on Arrays. You'll meet functions from the Swift Standard Library. If you own the book, the update is free at Gumroad. Otherwise you can buy it or use the no-questions-asked discount.Two just for fun
Here's Inspector Gadget arranged for eight cellos (celli?) all performed by Samara Ginsberg. Unexpectedly, this rap version of One Fish, Two Fish by Wes Tank made me smile.Maggie's Link
I don't know if it's that I'm not a cat person or that I'm a Mac/iOS person but this didn't do as much for me as it did for her. Still, here's Maggie's link to "Bend it like Nylah".Other people's stuff
WWDC is announced for June 22. I can't imagine the work involved in putting this on during normal times. For many there might be less work this year with no physical conference but for engineers who are presenting I imagine the pressure is pretty high. Of course I'd love for the conference to start tomorrow so we can start working with the shiny new APIs. On the other hand, I'm grateful that it's happening at all.Inch by Inch
It could be the time of year. Here on the North Coast it's planting time. I'm thinking of growing herbs in pots this summer.
Anyway, this Peter, Paul, and Mary favorite the Garden Song has been running through my head all day. My kids loved it when they were little. It was one of the songs they learned at school.
Maggie's link
Maggie is teaching High School Latin in New York City. Her link this week is to a Netflix show that is a modern take on Ovid. Here's the trailer for Ovid and the art of love, which, I warn you, is a bit risqué.
trySwift World
Natasha is trying something new.
With in-person conferences on hold for now, trySwift is running online hour-long workshops as part of trySwift World. Many of the initial batch are sold out but she promises to announce new ones weekly.
Other people's stuff
Google has a free online course in technical writing. Make that courses - there are two of them. These writing courses are designed for software engineers.